Building Desks and Moving to the Main Studio

It has been a while since anything was posted on here but in case you haven’t heard 3form Design has officially moved into the chapel! Ian and George are still here carrying out work on the building. Outside things are looking much the same as they have the past few weeks but inside everything is…

Have You Seen the New Window?

Unfortunately it has again been a while since we last managed to write a blog post, but here we are at last with an update on the progress. Lots has happened, as you can probably guess, and we are all here waiting eagerly for the move in date to be officially decided. One thing that…

No More Concrete Carpet

The past few weeks have been tremendously busy here getting ready for the move – which has unfortunately meant that this blog has had less attention than usual. However, this does mean that we have plenty to talk about! As mentioned in the previous post, our new stained glass window is being produced by Shelagh…

The Making of the Stained Glass Window

Last week we had the pleasure of joining Shelagh Davies in her studio, at the heart of the New Forest. Shelagh is the expert stained-glass window artist who is creating the new round window at the front of the chapel, and was kind enough to invite us to see the work in progress. At her…

The Clock Will Soon Be Ticking

It is hard to keep up with the progress at the chapel right now. Things are moving along so fast that, even as this article is written, big decisions are being made rapidly here in the office. It certainly is an exciting time as we push on through the final couple of months of this…

One Step at a Time

Last week one of the major features, that we have been extremely excited about, finally arrived – the stairs! As with most of the other aspects of the building, these stairs were custom built to Austen’s design. You can check out the video of the installation below. 3fD Chapel – Installing the Front Staircase from…

Austen Miller: An Open Letter to Whitchurch

There has been some negative reaction to the wall on the corner of the chapel. The main concern being that it inhibits the view when exiting Test Road onto London Street. It is a requirement of planning that the wall exists and why it is as high as it is. Its purpose is to provide bin storage…

Choosing the Stained Glass and Making an Entrance

The past few weeks at the chapel have seen many changes take place. The plastering is almost complete and as a result the interior is now looking amazing. Outside the ground work is underway and the brick walls making up bin enclosure has been finished. Today, Shelagh Davies came with her assistant, Barrie, to measure…

Another Brick in the Wall

There is a lot of work happening inside the chapel but, as you may have noticed, the exterior is also getting a lot of attention now. More of the aluminium cladding has been fitted, the ground works are underway and the brick enclosure at the front of the building is well on its way to…

A busy place to be

The chapel is a very busy place to be right now with a lot of different jobs happening simultaneously. Plastering has begun, electrics continue to be fitted, fire systems are being installed and lots of work is being done in preparation for the staircase installation, lighting and flooring. One of the most exciting moments recently…

Forget wood flooring, we’re laying down grass!

This week has again been a week of making difficult decisions at an ever increasing rate. Deciding on the final look of the interior and positioning essential fittings is no easy task, especially under pressure. However, things are coming together well and this week we made a firm decision on the flooring that is going…

We’re going to build a wall … a living wall.

Planning the interior is definitely one of the hardest processes that we have been faced with over the course of this project. Trying to anticipate how all of the space will be used while keeping it future-proof and on budget is not an easy task. Our team are working extremely fast and therefore decisions are being made…